What’s new in GStreamer

This talk aims to provide a high-level overview of interesting things that have happened in and around the GStreamer multimedia framework in the last year or so, especially in relation to the Linux desktop.

It is targetted at application developers, desktop users, and anyone with an interest in GStreamer or multimedia in general.

Topics touched will include new application features and higher-level API, such as the new device discovery and device probing API, OpenGL integration, Stereoscopic Video, the new MPEG-Ts section parsing library, and plans going forward.

Tim Müller and Sebastian Dröge

Tim Müller is a GStreamer developer and maintainer. He recently joined forces with GStreamer legends Jan Schmidt and Sebastian Dröge and started Centricular Ltd, a new Open Source consultancy with a focus on GStreamer, cross-platform multimedia and graphics. Tim lives in Bristol, UK.

Sebastian Dröge is, among other things, a free software developer and one of the GStreamer maintainers and core developers since 2006 and also contributes to many other free software projects. Sebastian works at Centricular providing consultancy services around GStreamer and Free Software in general. He is based near Hanover in Germany.